
Are Oidorno a talented band? No! But at least they make an effort and try to get the best out of every concert? Also no! Nevertheless, their thought-provoking lyrics (“Halt die Fresse, ich will saufen”) and musical versatility (three chords) have already delighted hundreds of art lovers at concerts in Berlin, Leipzig, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Hanover and elsewhere in recent months. Sky is the limit, and so every Oidorno concert is not only a unique live experience, but also a challenge: Can the audience be drunker than the band? (Here too: usually no). Their first release, “Oi! The EP”, is now available and the attribute “masterpiece” has rarely been more appropriate than here. At least according to those who should know: The band themselves.

Adorno would have called the cops.

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Pics by Leon Kuechler


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